What is "Foxy Charge?" Well actually it's a gift certificate feature of our shopping cart. But you can buy your own, and use it like a prepaid credit card, but it's good ONLY at FoxyBrawlers.com.
Why use Foxy Charge? The biggest reason is fast checkout and instant access. Just enter your "Foxy Charge" number into the Coupon Code box upon checkout. As long as you still have value left on your number, you don't have to enter ANYTHING else... no more retyping your name and address... and most importantly no more WAITING! Your exciting FoxyBrawlers.com comics are ready to download IMMEDIATELY.
And you don't have to use it all at once. You can buy as few or as many comics at a time as you want. You can use the balance remaining on a future FoxyBrawlers.com purchase.
Disadvantages? Well you still have to go through the checkout process, and there's a short wait while we process and activate each Foxy Charge Certificate purchase. And unfortunately it's NOT rechargeable, though we CAN transfer the balance to a NEW Foxy Charge Certificate number.
We hope you'll give it a try. And if you order a certificate between now and March 31, we'll even discount the purchase price. We'll take $5 off the cost of a certificate at least $50 in value, $10 off a certificate at least $100 in value, or $15 off the purchase of a certificate at least $150 in value.
Order a certificate before March 2, 2009, and we'll DOUBLE the discount. That's $10 from $50, $20 from $100 or $30 from $150 (Discount will not show in your shopping cart, we'll apply the discount when your order is processed... promise!). Recession or not, that's a pretty good deal.
With nearly a half-dozen new comics ready to drop throughout March, this is a great way to be ready for the rumble... ANYTIME! The link for the certificate purchase is here:
FoxyCharge Gift Certificates
If you have ANY questions, just drop us a line, comics@foxybrawlers.com.