Teena Dream vs Hefty LaMour

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Teena Dream vs Hefty LaMour

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Product Information

One of our most beloved characters, "Teena Dream: The Brave Little Schoolgirl," returns in an all-new short story!

She's up against the formidable "Hefty LaMour," as Glamazon of typical epic proportions. Teena is such a brave boxer! She gives it her all, win or lose. Putting her curvy little body on the altar of pain and punishment... just for you!

We hope you enjoy this fresh boxing tale... and as our departed friend and brother Byron would say... you've got a ringside seat!

12-page PDF file, 8 1/2 x 11. 

Note: This is a text narrative, not a comic adventure.

Product CodeTENHEFT-FF

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