Battle of the Bulge

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Battle of the Bulge

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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews


Product Information

Sunni Dae ("The Polynesian Princess") and Bambi Dahl ("The Black Beauty") are gorgeous, mega-chested babes, rookies in the world's sexiest sport, female wrestling!

And of course it's even SEXIER that these girls battle it out TOPLESS, showing off all that creamy goodness in each match!

But in addition to their incredible chest magic, the busty brawlers have something else in common too... they haven't won a single match! So a smart promoter knew that pitting these rookies together would break ONE of the girls' losing streak, and in an equally savvy move, he set the RULES of the match to focus EXCLUSIVELY on their CHESTS!

That's right... all attacks must either TARGET the boobs, OR the boobs must be used as WEAPONS!

It's nearly non-stop tit-torture until one girl can take NO more, and must surrender in a fit of tears.

As always, fabulous artwork by LYKAMO, with story commissioned and written by D. Nye.

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Product CodeBATG1MJN4

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Great story!

Great toon. The script is well written and the different breast punishing moves make it a great comic. The artwork by lykamo is some of the best I have seen as he continues to impress comic after comic. I recommend this toon if you are a fan of wrestling.E. Whyte. (10 Feb 2012, 11:49)
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