Business Gymnasium Wrestling Gallery

  • Business Gymnasium Wrestling Gallery

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4.0 average, based on 1 reviews


Product Information

We're back at the exclusive European wrestling club, "The Business Gymnasium," and this time it's a series of short and brutal vinettes from Pepitomichel featuring women wrestling, she-male fighters, mixed battles and more.

There are fighters old and new, including Mistress Anastasia, Princesses Statira and Rae Ra, Sugar Tits, Chou, Julien, the Countess, Frau Hilda, Lethal Lisa and the Blonde Angel.

This complex series is wonderfully illustrated by ZenbayMono Studio. Twenty-four original images plus introductory panels.

24 jpeg images
1024 x 768 pixels
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Product CodeBUSGYMWG

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4


Loved the surprise Statira was packing and I hope she packs it again. Also was happy to see Rae Rae return though I was hoping to see more of her. I was very pleased with the variety of fighters in general here. It was nice seeing a BBW even if she was a bit useless and i love the idea of a mature fighter like Sylviane. I do still hope that the format changes up a bit in the future to only one or two fights because right now it still isn't enough action.Nick (4 Jan 2014, 22:43)
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