Joni Versus Babycakes

  • Joni Versus Babycakes

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Product Information

It's not often we offer a non-nude bout, but we think the characters of Joni and Baybee Cakes are pretty enough we're very happy just seeing them in bikini boxing!

These teens are facing each other for the first time in their neighborhood's "Gloves N' Gears" club. Their moms are on hand to cheer them on, and referee Tim is on hand to keep things in line - hopefully!

In addition to the 20 panels of story, we've taken the images and done some mixing around to create over two-dozen additional stand-alone images, which even brings the moms and referee Tim into the fray! That was a lot of fun to create, and we believe it adds some real value to our product, all thanks to the layered Photoshop files provided us by ZenbayMono Studio!

1024 x 768 pixel JPEG Images
Delivered in 17 MB zipped file

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Product CodeJOBACA

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