Jungle Fever D07

  • Jungle Fever D07

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Product Information

DANNY vs JUNGLE FEVER (Version D7: Nude with Boxing Gloves)

"JUNGLE FEVER" is the European wrestling team of marvelous black Amazon fighters MOUNZA CHOKLAT and JUNGALA. Here to their amusement and delight they'll be facing 18 year-old DANNY in the ring in a jungle setting. Our favorite referee LITTLE SUSIE will officiate.

Danny makes a good showing, but the powerful black women won't go down easy. Dirty tactics come into play - with they cost Danny the match?

Twenty images from ZenbayMono Studio.

NOTE: Story was developed with wrestling in mind so the effect is wrestling with boxing gloves on. Do not purchase with the expectation of a boxing match!

1024 x 768 JPEG Images
Delivered in 9 MB Zipped File

See all the Jungle Fever comics

Product CodeJFD8

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