Spring Break Brawlers 4 -5 (ebook)

  • Spring Break Brawlers 4 -5 (ebook)

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Product Information

Usagi is a pop star who soon learns the price of fame! Nearly bankrupt, she takes on a career of Foxy Boxing, sponsored by a bizarre multi-zillion dollar conglomerate and given a sexy business manager.

Enter Pepper Minht, a non-nonsense street girl with no respect for Usagi, her manager, her money, OR her sponsor. Fists fly, bodies bruise, and leather sizzles like bacon on a Sunday morning, and the heat is ALL on poor Usagi! Can this end well? Probably not!

But enjoy the ride as driven there by the ONE, the ONLY, (the under-medicated)... PC TOONS as he presents... SPRING BREAK BRAWLERS!

This special eBook edition was created for us by the good people at Blurb.com. The ePub can be viewed on different devices but is BESTviewed on an iPad. We tested it on the iPad Mini 2 and it looks great. On an old color Nook, the images initially look quite small, but double-tapping brought them to full-screen size, then tap "close" to continue. A bit  annoying, but it works. Again, we prefer you view on an iPad.

Contains Spring Break Brawlers # 4 and Spring Break Brawlers # 5, with a brief explanation of how Pepper got into this in the first place!

14 MB ePub format, available excusively at our BLURB STORE

Product CodeSPR45EB

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