Taming Shannon (jpg)

  • Taming Shannon (jpg)

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Product Information

Cole and Helen have been pretty good parents to their kids, but let's face it, some kids are going to be trouble no matter WHAT you do.

Such is the case with their rebellious Shannon, who pretty well has terrorized their neighborhood, and Cole, fortunately, as a wealthy investor manages to pay off the families.

This time though they've had enough, as they can't even take a few minutes together at a coffee shop, without a call from their "good kid" Bobby, that Shannon is beating up Buffy, one of the sweetest kids in the neighborhood.

Mother Helen decides it's time to give Shannon a little "tough love," or actually in this case, "tough glove," as she instructs her daughter to meet her in their basement gym. Shannon relishes the chance to put her dukes to her mom, but hasn't reckoned on her mother's boxing skills.

To the confused delight of the men, both women are soon topless, and taking many brutal blows. One gal finally begs for mercy, but there's none to be had as they've agreed on a "knockouts only" bout, and indeed one gal will be down and out by the story's end!

A great first entry by a really talented and super nice fellow, Lykamo.

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Product CodeTAM86

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