Teena Dream The Brave Little School Girl (MP3)

  • Teena Dream The Brave Little School Girl (MP3)

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Product Information
It began with a mad genius, a Macintosh computer, and a copy of MacDraw. Those three elements came together to create (arguably) the first virtual foxy boxing comic.
Teena Dream was the brainchild of said mad genius PC Toons, and that brave little school girl was the first of many outrageous comics to follow. PC himself involved Teena in another battle, Spring Break brawlers, and our in-house crazies also featured Teena in additional battles, including our 20th-anniversary comic.
But here we return to the classic tale and were as faithful as we could be as we converted PC's story into a first-person narrative. Yup, here Teena Dream gains a voice, and we hear her describe that fateful, brutal battle with the ebony goddess that towered over her, Domino Glamazon!
Narrated in first person by Laya
About 18 Minutes • MP3 Audio
Product CodeTEDRMP3

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