Cabaret Clash

  • Cabaret Clash

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Product Information

Here is what is likely best described as an "Oldie but a Goodie..."

Years ago a good friend John wrote us with several remarkable stories were were assured to be true. With a little encouragement John submitted a few in detail, and among the best of those was this story of a wrestling match in a Cabaret near Heidelberg, Germany.

Originally the format of this book was "digest" sized, and was printed. In order to accomodate our fans who enjoy printing some of the comics, we've had to get creative and render this in "landscape" format (wide) so it can be printed in high resolution on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. This also makes it MUCH easier to view with Adobe Reader, especially when you go to full screen (CTR+L) size! It's a fun read with some excellent accompanying illustrations.

Here John and his girlfriend  bear witness to a hard fought match between two big girls, Yvonne and Ilsa, with no ring but just a cleared space between the tables where mats are put down. The first part of their match is intense wrestling, the second part is the humiliation stage where the loser is stripped for the entertainment of the audience, with a little help from a leather strap.

This is a 20 Page Adobe PDF document, with over 2 dozen illustrations.

About 4 MB, 8 1/2 x 11 inch (wide) pdf file.

Download/view a 1.2 MB sample HERE (Right Click, Save Target As)


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Product CodeCABE37

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