Two of OUR favorite fighters in the ZenbayMono roster are Shannon and Cassie. Shannon has been around for a while, and she's been in a lot of stories and galleries. In fact, we finally realized that Shannon and Cassie had been in a lot of gallery art - but never in their own fight story.
Here we have pulled together all their gallery appearances and added two more images, to create a 12 panel storyline, as narrated by buxom Cassie. Except for those two, a title and a final image, you've probably seen ever one of these images before in the great ZBM Boxing and Wrestling galleries.
In this narration, Cassie tells us about wrestling and boxing Shannon, as well as taking on cock girls, too. And we've included a few bonus images as well.
If you're fan of these girls, or are an avid collector of all things ZBM, we think you'll enjoy this special collection. But remember, if you're a regular buyer of ZBM galleries, you will have seen them before!
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