Maid To Fight 2

  • Maid To Fight 2

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Product Information

Welcome back for the SECOND match of the "Maid To Fight" series! We already have a finalist from the last match, and this new topless bout will determine who will also enter the final round!

Maids are almost every man's fantasy, right? And topless? With boxing gloves? Woo-HOO! And we got the BEST friend of the Gorgeous Boxing Girls to thank for this, BYRON!

Watch as Yuni faces Geolu! Neither wants to lose... both want the job at the Tycoon's residence! But as they say in the movies, there can be only ONE!

So watch for part 3, coming soon!

16 images, 1024 x 768 Pixels
Delivered in 8 MB Zipped file.

Also available in PDF format with INSTANT access at Byron's LULU STORE

Product CodeMAIDFIGHT2

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