Moko Moko's Wrestling Marriage

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Moko Moko's Wrestling Marriage

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Product Information

Young, beautiful, and large breasted Mindy is an African girl who studied in the United States. Very strong, as all women of her native tribe, she practiced bodybuilding when she was at school which increased her marvelous beauty.  Mindy is as cunning as she is beautiful and strong. Returning to her tribe in Africa, she falls in love with young white king Moko-Moko.

When her mother Umboa explains her that Moko-Moko is gay, Mindy  decides to seduce  him by using a very old law of her tribe. She challenges Moko-Moko to wrestle her.  By the law of her tribe, the winner will take the loser as a slave.

Mindy is sure she can defeat him, but also believes when they are naked, body-to-body, the white boy will fall in love with her.

Moko-Moko is unhappy to wrestle against a girl but the King of the Jungle cannot refuse a challenge. Nor will he go easy on the black beauty. Only his adoptive father Oupara accompanies him to the ring.

A tough and erotic nude battle-of-the sexes. From a story by Pepitomichel.

Illustrations by ZenBayMono Studio.

25 images, 1024 x 768
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Product CodeMOWRBA

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 1


Thought this was fun, but the parents kind of diluted the focus a bit. Would have liked to have seen Moko Moko get in a bit more damage on Mindy as well. The involvement of strap-on was nice though it did (spoiler edited). I'm also a little disappointed that a story involution marriage to Moko Moko didn't involve Oenothee considering how much she was into him during Jungle Tournament. I would love to see her and Mindy go at it at some point. Anyways I generally liked the action, and I like Mindy. I hope the comments from the end means the will be more from this series. (Oenothee and Mindy would make a great match, thanks for the idea - FB)Garren (29 Jul 2013, 19:34)
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