Naughty Fighters Wrestling League V4

  • Naughty Fighters Wrestling League V4

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Product Information

Wow! We recently discovered a "lost" comic by one of your favorite artists, Lykamo! And also, a final installment of one of your favorite series as well, the Naughty Fighters Wrestling League!

These wrestlers bring their working persona into the ring, and this time Chloe the Secretary returns to take on Cindy the Cop. As always, the gals really work over their opponents, but don't mind stopping to provide a little fan-service along the way! It's as sexy as it gets with their clothes on.

Lots of close-up panels from the story too. We hope you will enjoy! Again, this is our last comic created for us by Lykamo!

20 JPEG images plus close-up panels
1024 x 768 Pixels
Delivered in 8 MB Zipped File.

Also available in PDF format with immediate access at our LULU STORE

Also available at Gumroad

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Product CodeNFWL4

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