Junior Foxy Boxing returns with an amazing bout not in a RING... but in a SWIMING POOL!
Diane Reynard and Sara Vulper had always known what they wanted, and went AFTER it. That works as long as they're both not after the same thing! And here they are, both dating Kevin, and both planning on being the one he takes to the Saturday night dance!
Well, enter Kevin's aunt Lucy, an authority with JFB, and she arranges a sanctioned bout between the two, the prize being Kevin! But when the gals arrive, they find out WHY Lucy instructed them to show up in swimsuits... because they're going to slug (and splash!) in the swimming pool!
28 Panels tell the tale (600 x 578 pixels), presented in 3 MB Zipped file.
Story by Matthew Henry, Art by Massive Brain
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