No illustrations this time, but with this baker's dozen of brutal stories, you may not miss 'em!
Our theme is fighting teens (with some women thrown in) as they wrestle and fight, sometimes in the yard, sometimes in the ring, sometimes on a hard gym floor. Featured are:
• Match Maker: A fight fan tells an only slightly embellished true story of how he lured a couple of girls he was "sweet" on to have a private match just for him.
• Clashing Fashions: Multiple designs for a school's wrestling outfit are narrowed down to only two, and the designers then hit the mat to determine the winning design.
• Bully For Candi: Candi, like many school kids, faces a bully... and it doesn't go well.
• Passing the Grade: When the school girls do poorly in class, an opportunistic teacher arranges them to fight for a passing grade.
• Teacher's Pet: Tammie was more interested in cheerleading than her Phys Ed class, and the make-up work is going to be brutal.
• Good & Evil on Dove St: Girls are encouraged to settle things in a neighbors back yard. His nice, private, back yard.
• Sisterhood: Even the most loving sisters can get violent when one things the other is stealing "her man."
• Shay's Lesson: A young girl learns the hard way that her dream of becoming a wrestler may be paved with pain.
• Shay's Violent Video: Forbidden to wrestle publically due to her age, a promoter offers to let Shay wrestle in video bouts
• Shay Meets the Neighbors: Even when she's not at the gym Shay attracts violence, including a big woman and her kids.
• Violent Vengeance 1: Little Julie wants to fight the club champ Carmon for what she did to her big sister.
• Violent Vengeance 2: Carmon wants revenge on the girl who humiliated her
• Violent Vengeance 3: This time the young and the no-so-young meet in a barbed wire ring.
Thirteen Brutal Stories in all (without illustrations)
80 pages of story in 8 1/2 x 11 PDF file
Delivered in ZIP file, extract to view.
EXTRA! Intended for printing, RingCats # 4 is laid out in a two-column format, BUT we're also including a single column version as well, which may be easier to read on a computer screen. Feedback welcome!
Both files in 2 MB Zipped File
Also available for instant download HERE
(Double-column version only)
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