Sams Girls

  • Sams Girls

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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews


Product Information

Sam Yates is an entrepreneur - always looking for a new way to make some easy dough. So when he sees neighbor girls Deli and Mary, he knows they'll fit right in with his new endeavor! Soon the girls are in his basement gym, slugging it out for a cash prize. But how does Sam make any money from this?

12 images, 1024 x 768 Pixels
Delivered in 5 MB Zipped file
Illustrated by ZenbayMono Studio

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Product CodeSAMGIRL1

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Sequel needed

This is a great teenage boxing battle. Just want a sequel with the moms boxing each other then the girlsKatfitefan (4 Dec 2014, 19:58)
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