Secret Fight Club No. 1 (MP3)

  • Secret Fight Club No. 1 (MP3)

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Product Information

Do you like erotic wrestling? Men and women challenging each other sexually as well as physically?

Then you should know about a Secret Fight Club. The Secret Fight Club is a private arena, deep in the Hollywood hills, and exclusively for members only. In the ring tonight are the well built Tom, a six-foot four hunk of a man, standing proudly in the nude. His battle is with Debra, only slightly shorter at six-foot one, but clearly more muscular than Tom.

Like Tom, she is completely nude, her private parts only hidden by a thick but modestly trimmed thatch of pubic hair. Our referee is a tall and exotic named Deena, who looks like she could easily handle either - or both - the fighters.

The rules are simple. The winner is the one who causes the other to orgasm first.

Largely based on the California Supreme comic CA234.

Seven minute MP3 Audio Only.

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Product CodeSFC01

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