Sisterhood Slugfest Part 2

  • Sisterhood Slugfest Part 2

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Product Information

Well, you saw the first two matches. And now it's time for the oldest teens to glove up and throw down, for rights to their favorite beach! A belly beating won the first match - but even low blows couldn't take the second. So now here we are with part 2, and the final, tie-breaking match!

Will blonde Savannah crush Camila? Or will brunette Camila slug-out Savannah? The wait is over, and YOU got a RINGSIDE SEAT!

Story by Matthew Henry, with great illustrations by the BEST friend of the Gorgeous Boxing Girls... BYRON!

18 images, 1024 x 768 Pixels
Delivered in 8 MB Zipped File.

Also available in PDF format with INSTANT access at our LULU STORE.

Missed part 1? Find it HERE

Product CodeSISLUG2

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