Slugging Solutions (MP3)

  • Slugging Solutions (MP3)

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Product Information

Popular European wrestlers Tito Mandala and Bruno Grahner had known each other for years. Now, semi-retired single fathers, they decided to move to the same small seaside community with their daughters.

Italian Tito's daughter was Graciella, a thin, dark-haired girl with a typical Italian temper. Bruno, from Germany, brought his daughter Helga, a more plump but sexy little blonde.

Though Tito and Bruno were friends, their daughters decidedly were not. Tempers flared virtually from day one, and their dads, needing to know they wouldn't have to rush home to tend to childish bickering, decided the girls would have to fight it out.

In a boxing match!

About 20 Minutes
MP3 Audio File

Beautifully narrated by Lillie Ways


Product CodeSLUGSOLMP3

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