Our story begins from Jeannie's point of view...
"It was called Super-Tits boxing - and for a reason! To be in these fights, you had to be at least a thirty-six double-D, and willing to show 'em off.
Well, I was in that category - thirty-six double-D on the money! And believe it or not, I was the "little" girl in the club, though most weren't bigger than a forty double-D. Until they brought in... Rosemary.
Rosemary was from Germany - and she was an amazon! Five-feet eleven of Fatherland Fury, with a forty-two G cup chest! No shit, this babe wasn't cantaloupe, we're talking watermelon here!
I wasn't apprehensive about boxing her, I just, I mean... look at those things! The big blonde was nothing but target! Still, this wasn't her first rodeo, having worked in boxing bars in Germany for the last year. Which meant I should be careful."
It's a great "biguns" battle narrated by the sultry soothing Kara Knight.
MP3 Audio
About 13 Minutes