ZBM Gallery 08

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ZBM Gallery 08

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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews


Product Information

We're back with another all-new, erotic and exciting ZenBayMono BOXING gallery, and this one is DOUBLE sized!

25 unique images along with over a dozen variants make this the biggest ZBM gallery to date. There's guys and gals and breasts and bras and cocks out and knockouts, keeping in the one-of-a-kind nature of all our gallery art from ZenBayMono Studio.

Not for everyone of course - but for the fan all all kinds of erotic and unique boxing artwork. Presented in a great screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels - that's as large as most people's monitors!

Delivered in 16 MB Zipped File
Art by ZenBayMono Studio

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Product CodeZBMG8

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5


I loved this set of pics. The variety was good and I would love to see a full match come of several of them. The mixed boxing tags were particularly nice, and I would love to see all of the combinations used for full fights at some point. The nude version of the title picture is probably my favorite. I love contrasts in fighters like size and age. The satisfied look on the small victor was just fantastic. Also I really do hope to see a shemale or hermaphrodite fight from ZenBayMono soon. His work is a great, and I love the the way he draws them. Its a shame he hasn't done a full story with one yet outside of the Oenothee as a ref in Jungle Tournament.Garren (12 Aug 2013, 22:08)
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