We realized we don't often give you much information about the fighters at Foxy Brawlers. So here's the first in a series of remedies!
We've selected 20 girls (21, actually!) and provided a posed image with a brief description of the girl, followed by an image featuring that girl - win or lose - in action.
Included in this volume are Sugar Tits, Peggy Sullivan, Francine Stephens, Jenni, Tiny Tina, Cheri Rodette, Teena Dream, Jungle Fever, Cassie, Rocking Ruby, Beverly, Candy, Lisa, Connie Andrews, Wende, Mighty Mounds, Rene, Shelley, Pamela James, and Zorra Zin.
Now these have all been taken from previous publications (mostly galleries) so our regular fans have most or all of these images except for the brief descriptions. But it's value priced and you may enjoy the addition to your Foxy Brawlers / ZenbayMono collection.
Available EXCLUSIVELY at the ZenBayMono Gumroad Store!
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